Phase III of med school was long awaited at the beginning of the year, known as the Honeymoon Professional (...... don't go by the literal/ uncensored meaning, I just wanted to convey that Phase III was supposed to be the most relaxing and easiest of all Profs), so the year ahead had loads to offer. I felt, maybe now I would get a chance to fill up on my vocab, follow a regular exercise regime, enhance my culinary skills, increase my social interactions, tour the entire island, keep myself updated about movies and along with it, balance studies.
First half of the year went fine, with me able to accomplish at least the latter part of the above list....(... the study bit I'm not too positive about, though)!!! :-D
As soon as, I returned from vacations in July, I was welcomed by Preventive and social Medicine(PSM) / Community Medicine (CM) TUTORIALS the following day! And after that it was the same old story every Monday. The entire course was to be covered under the series of Tutorials. So Sunday, the laziest day of the week, was spent studying CM.
At first, the momentum was high when most of us would read up the required bit and come for the tutorial. But slowly the number kept declining. After say 4-5 tuts there were only a hand full who came totally prepared. I wonder..... if our teachers were aware of this fact.
I remember, our tutor once remarked ,“ Yours, is a very co operative batch!!”
Well, it sure was, at least during the tutorials. Left, right, front, back we prompted against our turn, from every part of the lecture room. It was as if the question was addressed to one student, but all others in the row felt responsible to answer. ROTFL!!
Those were some crazy, fun filled memorable hours of my college life.... memories that I never wish to part with. The occasional goof ups would put us in bouts of laughter!!....
Back benches were booked before hand. The two front rows on the right were almost never filled, only the late unlucky souls would occasionally land there. Mine was the aisle seat ,5th row from front, thanks to Nirv* & Fad who reserved the place. We have had some of the best times there. Every time we turned up for the tutorial, we would over emphasize the fact that we weren't prepared; prayed that our turn won't come; hoped the teacher won't turn up; wished that there was a power failure!! We looked for all possible alternatives. You must be wondering why we didn't bunk the tuts in order to save ourselves from the torture of the apprehension...well...many reasons...
Firstly, we require certain percentage of attendance in the lectures and as most of us were short of it.... had no choice but to attend
Secondly,...hmm.... tough one.... thought I could at least list 10 reasons, but seems an ordeal even to list five!! So coming back to the second reason.... maybe we were scared to bunk?! Didn't have any other interesting plans?! Felt responsible to attend the tut for whatsoever reason!? Wanted to make others laugh!?Felt like giving company to a friend!? For giving proxy!....nah,..... not possible...our tutors were quite vigilante! Or I guess some just wanted to impress the tutors with their regularity to boost up their grades!?? And some incorrigible lads( * personal joke) who wanted to be laughed at!???
Finally, a few who were actually interested in community health and wanted to imbibe the essential principles!!
Before the start of the 1hr tut, assurance was seeked from neighboring friends, for prompting.
There was never a time I remember, when someone sat without having a go at the answer.
If he/she didn't have a clue.... there were plenty for rescue!!
Books were randomly sneaked opened..!!
The probable questions were discussed, before turn.
Sometimes, every word uttered was borrowed.
But on some occasions not even friends could help, for there were questions about which none of our friendly neighbour had a clue :-p
And some answers came out from mere guesses.
Though whatever be the apprehension level before the tut, the hour following was a fun filled hilarious fight of the nibble wits amongst us.
With the ...” Ahhh...Ahhh... Sir/ Ma'am......ahhh...ahhh” , transforming into full sentences and finally metamorphosing into the answer!!!!
Most of us, though didn't take the tutorials that seriously but I'm sure learned a lot from them. Thanks to the unfailing patience of our tutors and the lively, cheerful atmosphere created by us.
Thanks guys...... for the spontaneous jokes, hilarious answers, shared wisdom. And the prompting of course :-D