Monday, July 10, 2006

My article

This is the article I wrote for my college magazine-


After much procrastination and thinking of the point of it all, I finally got down to writing an article on the eve of the last day of submission. I had an exhaustive list of ideas but somehow it never worked out. Blame it on the prevailing atmosphere of indolent tranquility after exams or my own laziness.

My ideas ranged from hostel-life to clinical posting; I thought it was too used an idea and too conflicting. But it seemed to be a tried and tested topic, a lot had been already written on it and still loads left to be written but I was sure that I wasn't going to be the one bringing the missing pieces together. In desperation I even thought of writing medical jargon!AIDS, malaria, TB were on the top of my list. Probably some evil soul had got into me for my thoughts to approach such extremes! But in true terms I thought of some serious writing. Going on the same lines, smoking seemed to be a good thought provoking idea because it was as burning a issue as a cigarette in a smoker's hand. Hoping the conceptualization of the whole thing would deter at least some if not all. Debating the whole thing I finally realized it was only self motivation or in extreme(desperate cases) the agony faced that could be the only deterrence.

On the personal front, amongst a few ideas were experience of my first injection,when I was obviously not on the receiving end ; transition from black and white to a colored life which I'm certain that the IV semester students will be able to appreciate the most, at present;days of slogging, those endless, testing, tyrannizing times; being at the receiving end of a viva, living in a foreign land that is “heaven on earth”; learning Creole, facing the mockery all way long but then finally getting the lingo right ; journey back home(including the whole rush about the air tickets,discounts, cancellations, postponements) .... the sweat & tears shed in that; long awaited holidays, the countdown beginning from anywhere between 100-60 days before & cheers heralding the d-day's arrival!

There was help, motivation, more ideas offered from friends but in vain. To mention a few, synopsis of some book, Mauritian hospitality,some world event, the reservation issue in India(this I thought was quite a relevant and apt topic),medical discoveries(here I would like to mention that I wanted to be original so as long as I hadn't made the discoveries, I didn't want to write about them), medical interventions,tourist spots in Mauritius( well, a tourist booklet would be a better guide than my article, I thought) and some suggested me to write a fictitious one act play if writing a short story required too much thought but writing fiction was never my cup of tea & neither was i ever good at it. For the kind of gastronome I am, I thought of writing about my relentless quest for the perfect recipe. As far as Spiritual awakening,karma,reincarnation are concerned they went way over my head. How about writing about the world wide web, social networking,Wi-Fi !! Well, i guess one of the most in- things,but requiring some technical knowledge which i had still to acquire.

Thus, you can imagine how much of thought, time, energy and but obvious procrastination to the extreme it had taken for me to finally sit and mull over the entire thing.
It took French scientists Calmette and Guerin 260 subcultures of virulent strain of myobacterium bovis over a period of 13 years to evolve the strain bacille Calmette Guerin or BCG(source: Park's textbook of preventive and social medicine)! So i guess my odds aren't that bad also.

Scanning though the entire list of ideas & topics I had in mind I assume nothing could have been better for me than to write about what to write!! And my search for the topic finally ending with it.
'Rise,awake &shine' and so it was to be that I'm typing this article. My race against the time and the submission date,of course!!

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