The last day of ENT posting! Time flew by so fast I didn't even realize that the posting has come to an end. But whatever be the case I really enjoyed the posting. Had real fun :-) be it the chit chats in the conference room, wards, long discussions about the perforation in the tympanic membrane or teaching Brinda the meaning of BC! Manas's
Well, it was sure fun all the way but I did learn quite many things too. The doctors were so motivated to teach us and so were we to learn. We saw numerous cases of otitis exerna, sialadenitis,epistaxis. Otoscopy is sure fun if one learns how to do it and thanks to the endless opportunities we got to use the otoscope we did make sense out of it. Ok can you believe..... I saw a perforation in the tympanic thats something right. Oh boy! I felt elated and excited.
Amongst the first few cases that we saw was post op patient of Modified Radical Mastoidectomy, the posterior meatal wall had been removed and meatoplasty had been done so we could thus see the tympanic membrane with the naked eye! The way Dr R******* explained the three types was just amazing. The CT was quite helpful for us in understanding the extent of damage caused by the malignant Otitis externa. The patient who was Brinda's primary school teacher, also had facial nerve palsy! Then there was a case of mastoiditis with meningitis but thank god the signs of meningeal irritation were not elicit able.
We saw many cases of sinusitis and also a case of frontal mucocele. Scalloping of frontal sinus was absent in that case. Amongst the operative procedures we just saw incision and drainage of post auricular abscess. Nasopharyngoscopy was also amongst a few things we saw.
But at the end of the day, what was most awaited was our rush to the ouchi vendor! Oh! That was bliss, for our hungry stomachs and heavy overloaded head
Oh! I so much wished to explore Vacoas during this posting! And finally the day came & we played hookey. Shruti, Nirvana & I set out. What began as a sultry day turned out to be the wettest one of the month! It was pouring like hell but nothing could get our spirits down. So after, say about a few minutes of cribbing, grumbling, kicking we finally reached. Though we didn't have much time on our hands never the less made proper use of it. Scanned through the array of books at what can be called the largest bookstore
Now, it was that time of the posting that we had to get our (completed & incompleted) files signed. Thus, there we were running after each other & the docs to win the race against time. And I'm so happy, glad and proud to tell ya that most of us managed to!
Then there was an excursion to the audiology room. Here I want you to note that I'm calling it an excursion because in true sense it was one. You had to be present there to appreciate the usage of this term. Though along with the fun we also got to see BERA, which was quite fascinating. We were all ears to the doc when he explained the pure tone audiometry. What had seemed like Greek got meaning into it.
Thanks! to my batch mates, had it not been for you guys....the posting would never have been all that fun...
So it was a roller coaster ride. Had lots to learns and lots more to laugh away...... :-D
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