Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reality Shock!

I haven't been reading the newspapers for a long time now. I used to enjoy going through the mindless sections of the supplement earlier but have convinced myself to overlook them as well. The reason being that the print media hardly publish anything that would be of remote importance to me and without which I would die! And since I get all the updates on the net I don't care to give the 25 page modern literature even a passing glance. Also, it was only adding to the negativity I was trying to overlook.

But today since I chanced to read the newspaper, front page carried an article about a 14yr old child prodigy who had topped the JEE exam in Delhi this year. Reading further, I realized that I knew less than what I feel, I ought to be knowing! Reality hit me like a bolt of lightening. So here I am trying to rediscover and improvise my writing skills. I have thus decided to feed myself new words everyday and read extensively!

And as has been said: A person's success is directly proportional to his vocabulary!

So watch out for the soon to be successful Dermatologist :-D!

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